Instrument Collections

The Department's instrument collection includes 40 pianos, two electronic organs, two harpsichords, two pipe-organs, and several hundred Western, Chinese, and world musical instruments. 

Early Music Instruments

The Music Department houses a fine working collection of replicas of early European musical instruments ranging from the Medieval through the Baroque and early Classical eras.

The early keyboard instruments include the following:
• Large double-manual Flemish harpsichord after Dulcken by Robert Goble & Son, Oxford 1976
• German single-manual harpsichord after Vater by Carey Beebe, Sydney 1992
• Unfretted clavichord after Gerlach by Carey Beebe, Sydney 2007
• 5.5-octave Viennese fortepiano after Walter & Sohn by Paul McNulty, Divišov (Prague) 2001
• Portative organ from Early Music Shop, UK

The collection also comprises full consorts of violas da gamba, crumhorns, rebecs, Renaissance flutes, and both Renaissance and Baroque recorders. These are supplemented by several lutes and percussion, a psaltery, a Baroque bassoon by Barbara Stanley, and early-style transverse flute and violin, as well as by various louds: bagpipes, tabor pipes, cornetti, sackbut, shawm, and valveless trumpet.

The instruments are used regularly by students for solo and ensemble rehearsals and recitals.