Intercultural Hong Kong Series Documentaries

Intercultural Hong Kong Series Documentaries

Feeling South Asian (public view)

This documentary features cultural practices of the South Asian groups in Hong Kong and the challenges they face in religion, education, and healthcare. The film points out the importance of intercultural education if Hong Kong is to live up its name as a metropolis, and shows that it is both learnable and practicable. (30 mins, in Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitles)


The links listed below contain interviews and footages which were recorded during the production of the MIA documentary “Intercultural Hong Kong Series: Feeling South Asian”. They have been set as private. If you would like to get access of these videos, please send us a request together with your Gmail address to hoiyanchan@cuhk.edu.hk for approval.



Durga Puja

Bhai Tika

Pakistani Community in Kwai Chung

Sri Lankan Buddhist Rituals and Activities

Bangladesh Association of Hong Kong Weekend School

'Little Nepal' in Jordan

Jumm'ah Prayer

Multiculturalism in Action Project

Hong Kong Nepalese New Graduates Ceremony 2016

Kabaddi in Hong Kong

Education for South Asian students in Hong Kong