《以制約啟發創意:粵語合唱音樂會》 From Constraint to Creativity: a Cantonese Choral Showcase
SAT 29 APR 2023 | 7:30 PM

2023429 7:30pm - 崇基禮拜堂


香港中文大學音樂系聯同香港兒童合唱團、香港新青年合唱團、Die Konzertisten攜手舉行全粵語合唱作品音樂會,演出本地作曲家的創作,以及全球徵曲的獲選作品。樂曲文本涵蓋古今詩詞及原創歌詞,展示作曲家如何利用粵語「先詞後曲」限制,作為啟發創意的基石,譜出風格森羅萬象的合唱作品。


29 Apr 2023 7:30pm - Chung Chi College Chapel

From Constraint to Creativity: a Cantonese Choral Showcase

Partnering with The Hong Kong Children’s Choir, Hong Kong Youth Choir, and Die Konzertisten, the CUHK presents an all-Cantonese choral concert featuring music by local composers and works collected from the international call-for-scores. Drawing its texts from ancient and contemporary poems as well as original lyrics, the works will demonstrate how text-setting constraints in Cantonese can be transformed into a creative resource, illustrating how composers can work with - instead of against -the linguistic constraints to create choral music that encompasses a wide array of styles. 

Free admission with   registration(https://bit.ly/canto-choral)