a Talk by Ms. Winnie Lai
THU 18 APR 2024 | 4:30 PM

Title: On Auralities: From Jokes to Politics to Sinophone R&B

Time: 4:30 – 6:00 pm
Venue: LG01, Hui Yeung Shing Building

Delivered in English, all are welcome

Aurality, as it emerges from an interest in listening practices in sound studies, refers to a network of intersecting inter-sensoriums, affects, cognition, discourses, matters, perceptions, and rhetoric (Moreno 2016). Through the act of listening, a subject phenomenologically interacts with a particular sonic milieu, resulting in what we call sound. Thinking the phenomenology of sound, it is also essential to understand how a subject, individual or collective, interacts and why interactions emerge in particular ways. These concerns take up a central question of sound studies: how does sound exist and/or appear as an object? As waves? As vibration? As energy? As a percept? Or, as what I am describing in my doctoral project—an act? With three examples focusing on jokes, political situations, and Sinophone R&B, today’s talk experiments on the attunement and detunement of audible entanglements in situated listening conditioned by territorial boundaries.